Antique Keyhole Shirvan Rugrug no. j3923


an early 20th Century Caucasian Shirvan Rug with an infamous keyhole motif

rug no. j3923
size 3' 8" x 4' 9" (112 x 145 cm)
rug type Caucasian,Shirvan
size / category Small,Square
price $4,000.00
Antique Keyhole Shirvan Rug No. j3923
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Antique Keyhole Shirvan Rug No. j3923 Antique Keyhole Shirvan Rug No. j3923 Antique Keyhole Shirvan Rug No. j3923 Antique Keyhole Shirvan Rug No. j3923 Antique Keyhole Shirvan Rug No. j3923 Antique Keyhole Shirvan Rug No. j3923
Square Antique Oushak Rug No. 30792
Square Antique Oushak Rug

rug no. 30792

4' X 4' 6"

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