Navy Chinese Rugrug no. j2578


an early 20th Century Chinese Navy field beige and light blue accent room size floral rug

rug no. j2578
size 8' 11" x 11' 6" (272 x 351 cm)
rug type Chinese,Peking
size / category Room
price $7,800.00
Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578
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Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578 Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578 Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578 Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578 Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578 Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578 Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578 Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578 Navy Chinese Rug No. j2578
Antique Afghan Ersari Rug No. j2411
Antique Afghan Ersari Rug

rug no. j2411

7' 7" X 10' 7"

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