Wide Turkish Runner with Color Poprug no. j1694


Gallery size Turkish Rug with an abrashed an field with 3 large medallions with predominant accents in neon green, coral, orange and blue. A few small humans are lurking around as well. circa mid 20th century

rug no. j1694
size 4' 7" x 10' 5" (140 x 318 cm)
rug type Attitude,Kars,Pictorial
size / category Gallery
price $6,800.00
Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694
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Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694 Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694 Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694 Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694 Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694 Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694 Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694 Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694 Wide Turkish Runner with Color Pop No. j1694
Antique Khotan No. 8595
Antique Khotan

rug no. 8595

5' 7" X 10' 4"

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